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Weather & Ocean data Analysis, hindcast, climate, extreme conditions for design criteria, engineering and offshore operational applications. 

Let our experienced specialists in your industry help you with the most insightful data results and analysis!

MetOceanStat is a service of Global MeteOcean, providing high quality & powerful metocean data analysis in the view of site characterization, design criteria, long term preparation of operations such as energy field development, structure installations, marine and subsea operations, anchors design, barge towing and transportation voyage preparation.

Atmospheric & Oceanographic multi years database

We use best quality multi-parameter data sources combined with in-house database to cover up to 50 years historical data at hourly temporal resolution.

Extreme conditions analysis

Accurate calculations for each required parameter to help you in your decision making process and be prepared for the most extreme weather, sea state and current.

Ambient conditions analysis

Highly accurate prevailing conditions analytics, Wind at any level, Wave with directional information, Sea Current along the water columns and many more parameters. Customized analysis by our specialists.

High-Resolution data for statistical calculation using the best models & data sources

Global coverage for any specific location around the globe, combined with regional models capabilities, satellite data, validated by our experts to ensure quality of selected datasets.

Actionable Insights. Impeccable Reliability.

At Global MeteOcean we strive to solve complex challenges for the offshore industry, in every environment from coastal areas to deep water.

Customization and close involvement of our qualified Meteorologists, Oceanographers, Digital Engineers will ensure beyond just data results, a unique combination of experience in customized metocean services and expertise dedicated to the success of your project. 

We advise on the best solution to meet with your requirements, using the state-of-the-art techniques as well as our deep knowledge of numerous region-specific dangerous weather patterns such as monsoon regime, thunderstorm development, squalls, tropical cyclones, extreme waves, ocean currents, tides, water level surges. 

We Take Pride in Our Numbers


Years Cumulated Experience


Multi-parameter Database


Metocean Products delivered


Regional Weather Patterns World Wide


Major Projects in Offshore industry

Some of our Clients


 Stay ahead confidently with our informed climate data during all stages of your Project!

Our global coverage as well as our pro-active customer focused assistance enable us to receive, manage and deliver your requirements rapidly and accurately.

We will facilitate and help you to optimize your metocean based decision making process.

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